Evidence Hokey Pokey

You put the evidence in
you take the hearsay out
Then impeach it with old statements
and get it all thrown out
You admit the good evidence
and keep the bad stuff out
That’s what it’s all about
You get your documents in
Take the privileged stuff out
Put the experts on
And then Daubert sorts them out
You admit the good evidence
and keep the bad stuff out
That’s what it’s all about
You put the relevant in
Take the prejudicial out
Lay a foundation first
And keep the character stuff out
You admit the good evidence
and keep the bad stuff out
That’s what it’s all about
401 in
403 out
803 in
’cause those exceptions are allowed
You admit the good evidence
and keep the bad stuff out
That’s what it’s all about
National Institute of Health Science: Hokey Pokey, with MIDI music and dancing penguins. Thanks, US Department of Health & Human Services!

Andrew Raff @andrewraff