Upcoming Events

Friday, October 8:
Intellectual Property Online: The Challenge of Multi-Territorial Disputes:
A Symposium co-sponsored by the Center of the Study of International Business Law and the Brooklyn Journal of International Law at Brooklyn Law School.
Thursday, October 28:
Recalibrating the Scales: When Does Intellectual Property Regulation Cease to Advance Creativity and Begin to Suppress Innovation?
Presented by the Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal at (unsuprisingly) Fordham.
Thursday-Friday, October 14-15:
CMJ Music Marathon
Panels of interest include:
Al Franken keynote address, Thu. 10:00 am
The Ever-Evolving Record Contract, Thu. 2:00 pm
Washington Wrap-Up: What the New Policy Initiatives Mean For You, Thu. 3:30 pm
Copyright V. Copyleft: The War Continues, Fri. 11:00 am
Bumps On the Road to Satellite Radio’s Takeover, Fri. 2:00 pm
So, You Want to Be a Music Lawyer? Fri. 2:00 pm

Andrew Raff @andrewraff