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October 31, 2003

Rumsfeld unsure of missing 'mojo'
Now THIS is important news

Lawyer Friend Makes Strong Case For Nachos
"Case closed. We'll order the nachos."

U.S. Eating Habits, and Europeans, Are Spreading Visibly
Mmm... 64 slices of American cheese

A Big Quarter
"it would be quite a trick to run the biggest budget deficit in the history of the planet, and still end a presidential term with fewer jobs than when you started"

October 30, 2003

Fox considered suing Fox over Simpsons
Instead "Fox has a new rule that we can't do those little fake news crawls"

October 29, 2003

Warning of Budget Gap, M.T.A. May Pare MetroCard Discounts
Plan to raise the fare, without actually raising the "fare." Confused yet?

Celluloid Skyline
New York and the movies

Boston shocked: Dunkin Donuts eliminates the cruller
"Respect the cruller; tame the doughnut."

October 28, 2003

Bush in 30 Seconds
Say "miserable failure" 30 times?

Why spend $32 million to promote the new $20 bill?
"You have no choice. Here, finally, is a product that truly sells itself."

Net's dark side dents broadband
The industry has this impression broadband allows computers to be like clever TV and that people want to sit there consuming content. But we have no evidence this is really true yet."

Setting the Record Straight
An Analysis of the Justice Department's PATRIOT Act Website

NYC Mobile Phone Deadspot Survey
My apartment is in the middle of one

October 27, 2003

A truly terrifying Halloween costume idea
I know what I'm going as...

A Tight Job Market Dampens Ivy League Hopes
And sends law school applications through the roof

October 26, 2003

October 25, 2003

MLB takes hardball stance on Web sites' use of its data
This post can not be rebroadcast, exhibited for public performance, or even described without the express written consent of Major League Baseball

D'oh! Take Two Cartoons, Add Monsters and Mayhem
The Simpsons and Futurama video games

This patent kicks butt

Walt Rocks: Rating the New Music Sites
Mossberg prefers iTunes to Napster and MusicMatch

October 24, 2003

October 23, 2003

Free and Legal
Coolfer shows the way to free and legal indie MP3s

The Awful Truth
Russell Baker on Krugman

En Banc
With one more contributor and they'd be able to field a baseball team to play the Volokh Conspirators

Search Inside the Book
Wow. Way cool and useful.

Notes on a Federal Culture
Why DC is inferior

October 22, 2003

Subject: Sushi Options
Gawker posts the memo. World is more interested in Sushi than

A Father-vs.-Umpire Fracas Will Test Youth Sports Law
Simple assault that occurs during a school- or town-sponsored athletic contest and is witnessed by youths under age 16 is now a felony in NJ

Lessons in the Fine Art of College Admissions
"The thing that controls their lives... all comes down to one phrase, `How will this look on my college application?'"

October 21, 2003

When blogs get really popular
Step 1: blog. Step 2: ?? Step 3: profit.

Dilbert Weasel Awards
Lawyers are only eclipsed in weaseliness by politicians

Tunnel to Nowhere, Except Maybe the Future
It's the Second Ave. Subway

To convey the Court's opinion to fans of rap...
Carolene Products, step aside

The Value of a Lexis Point
How many points for the Harrier jet?

October 20, 2003

Zagat Listing Jolted by a Small Brooklyn Spot
William Grimes: On Second Thought: It's Still Quite Good, "but perfection at one culinary level does not compare with perfection at a higher level."

Iron Chef Fan Fiction
I am scared. Very scared.

A conservative's review of Al Franken's 'Lies and the Lying Liars'
"every decent, honest, hard-working, patriotic, true-blue conservative owes it to himself to read it"

October 18, 2003

Students, Nuns and Sailor-Mongers, Beware
Ashcroft pulls out the stops to prosecute protestors

October 17, 2003

A Curse of Their Own?
Why is the Post anti-NY?

75% of NJ High schools leave a child behind
Warnings to many of best and brightest show law's shortcomings

Today's kids play yesterday's video games
"Maybe if it had characters and stuff and different levels, it would be OK."

October 16, 2003

iTunes for Windows
Surprise, surprise

Keeping dissent invisible
"I thought the whole country was a free speech area"

October 15, 2003

What Can a Million Buy in Manhattan? Something Average
If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars)

For Techies, School Bells Mean 'Let the Games Begin'
Yeah, well we had graphing calculators

Chicago's Most Wanted
After that inning, I think the Cubs may really be cursed

October 14, 2003

Fly Me to the Moon
Time for a new space race

When Spam Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Spam
TidBits looks at California's new spam law

Disorient Express
RSS feeds of the MTA subway service notices. Way cool.

Don't Look Down
"at a certain point we'll have a Wile E. Coyote moment"

Goodbye comment spam

October 13, 2003

To Discourage Scrapping on the Field, Scrap the Designated Hitter Rule
Just one of many reasons for dropping the DH

October 12, 2003

De clunibus magnis amandis oratio
"Large buttocks are pleasing to me, nor am I able to lie concerning this matter."

October 10, 2003

October 9, 2003

Smart iTunes playlist tricks

Democratic Debate Drinking Game
Take a drink if Clark uses the phrase "be all you can be"

A New College Ranking System, Wanted or Not
The Atlantic Monthly ran out of ideas for articles

October 8, 2003

Copyright and authors
A brief history of copyright

Charter: Hands Off Song Swappers
Another ISP challenges RIAA subpoenas

The bolder, bigger Apple
In the year 2525...

October 7, 2003

How to Fake Live Election Results with JavaScript
"This tutorial is dedicated to Diebold Election Systems."

The Blogging Iceberg
How many of those inactive blogs just moved to Movable Type or other non-hosted service?

Deflating The Blog Bubble
We have to keep perspective.

Car Owners' Hero Dresses for the Job
NYT meets Angle Grinder Man

October 6, 2003

Peter Luger
Mmm... steak

Man Wants to Question Parrot in Court
You can't make this stuff up

October 5, 2003

Blogging for Dollars
Matt makes money fast

Five years under the DMCA
EFF DMCA Reform Resources Report

unclean... so unclean...
The Lexis/West duopoly

Treasures of the Russian Evolution
Note to self: go to this

October 3, 2003

More vicious than Tricky Dick
John Dean thinks that Bush's people have out-Nixoned Nixon's people

October 2, 2003

Bitches Brew Hits Platinum
It only took 34 years!

A quick history of alpine skiing
A very quick and cursory history

Attorney's porn site work lifts eyebrows
NJ towns shocked that their attorney also does work for porn sites

Anti-Bush T-shirt approved
Judge rules school can't ban teen-ager from wearing it

Lick Me, I'm A Macintosh
What the hell is wrong with Apple that they still give a damn about design and packaging and "feel"?

October 1, 2003

BBC Creative Archives: A Recheck
Let's see what remains after "a jumble of lawyers" look at the idea