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March 31, 2005

Goodies blog
The search for free stuff

Phila Lawyer
A gonzo Anonymous lawyer. [via]

The Man Who Saved the World Finally Recognized
Fortunately, he chose not to play Global Thermonuclear War
The NYC photoblogger community

Agents of Good Roots: 2005-02-18
A recent reunion show that sounds very good.

March 30, 2005

Students 'do worse with computers'
Perhaps a lesson for law students with IM

Finding Gold in a Glass of Pilsner
Beer review from the NYT Dining section

March 29, 2005

Laura K. Pahl is a Plagiarist
What's the relationship between schadenfraude and karma?

March 28, 2005

Everybody Loves Anil!
"If people ever start being web-saavy enough to understand the difference between a post about someone and a post by that person, it'll be a sad day."

Felten's Corollary
"When the topic of a copyright policy discussion switches to pornography, each side suddenly adopts the other side's arguments."

Dr. Who fan’s life-size Dalek seized outside Parliament
For some reason, this caused security concerns

March 27, 2005
The site for law-related podcasts

March 21, 2005

March 20, 2005

March 18, 2005

March 17, 2005

March 16, 2005

March 15, 2005

Daily Show Video Clips
Easier to use than the official site

March 13, 2005

Same Same But Different
Is the current sound over?

March 11, 2005

March 10, 2005

Israeli Army automatically gives D&D players low security clearance
“They're detached from reality and suscepitble to influence” [via]

March 09, 2005

Home of Punk-Rock Battles for Its Home
Some details about CBGB's real estate problems

The Triumph of Socialized Medicine
Right here in the USA

Dot-Con job
How InfoSpace took its investors for a ride

Business schools redefine hacking to 'stuff that a 7-year-old could do'
"Thanks to Harvard Business school, the term [hacking] now means 'people of average IQ poking around curiously by editing URLs on public servers and seeing what comes back in the form of directory listings, etc.'"

March 08, 2005

The linguistic case against Scalia
Originalism, fundamentalism and linguistics

March 07, 2005

Batman's Greatest Boner
Ah, fun with shifts in slang

Who's on First?
The video rental version

March 04, 2005

Listen to your iTunes library across the internet

March 03, 2005

Microsoft develops the Weasly's magic clock
What's that about advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic?

NYPL Digital Gallery
275,000+ images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library

Russia launches 'gold rush race'
It may not be 'Amazing,' but it is a rally from Murmansk to Vladivostok

MTA subway fare analysis
revised for the new fare hike

Law Firms Mull the 'Gen Y' Equation
"Generation Y workers may be too smart for their own good,"

March 01, 2005

School lunches around the world
Comparing the nutritional content of school lunches in France, the US, Norway and Ukraine

Leaking Gravity May Explain Cosmic Puzzle
A theory to explain the expanding universe without dark energy