Happy happy joy joy happy happy fun

August 21, 2002

Law.com: Paying for Conviction: A 2L Summer

The thing that made law school so attractive to so many -- that it can land anyone a job doing anything -- is the same reason it's gotten harder for us all: it has attracted so many. I like most of the people I go to school with. I like most of the people I work with. But it's in the air. We're all competing for fewer and fewer spots.

This is what I have to look forward to in a couple of years? Sounds like loads of fun...

Posted by Andrew Raff at August 21, 2002 04:56 PM
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Can't tell you how many economic flip-flops I've seen during twelve years of practice. By the time you're seeking gainful employment, today's climate may well be very old news.

Posted by: Denise Howell on August 21, 2002 06:01 PM

By then, the economy won't be as much of a problem as the enormously swollen ranks of the law school classes of 2005...

Posted by: Andrew on August 21, 2002 10:52 PM