Writer's, er, what's that called?

February 26, 2003

Well, my brief is done, and it's perhaps the single worst piece of $#@! I've ever written. I never got into the zone writing it. (Researching, yes. Writing, no.) Overall, it has no flow. Fortunately, I'll have another chance to submit a revised version for a grade, but I think this is the version I'll be arguing for moot court.

In general, I can't seem to write anything of substance. I started a piece for the return of BRR, which I haven't done anything with in a couple of weeks. I have some thoughts about Iraq outlined that I'd like to finish while they're still relevant, but I can't seem to wrap them into complete and coherent ideas.

Posted by Andrew Raff at February 26, 2003 10:20 PM
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