Establishment Clausewitz

March 3, 2003

On Friday, the US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled on
Newdow v. US Congress, denying rehearing en banc, and setting it up for appeal to the Supreme Court. I'm going to refrain on writing more now due to my inability to write anything quickly, but I hope to sometime this week, as I get back into Establishment Clause reading to prepare for the final draft of my brief. Here are some news stories and blog posts (all via How Appealing):

SF Chronicle: Federal court stands pat on Pledge of Allegiance ruling
Use of words 'under God' will probably be appealed to the Supreme Court

NYT: Court Lets Stand the Ban on 'God' in Pledge

Prof. Jack Balkin: Pledging Allegiance

San Jose Mercury News: Judges stick with pledge ban

AP: Court dramatically contracts its Pledge of Allegiance decision

Howard Bashman: What's next in the Pledge of Allegiance case?

Posted by Andrew Raff at March 3, 2003 2:09 PM
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