Lost in translation

June 19, 2005

If you fly very infrequently (maybe once a year) and one of the television shows you watch regularly is Lost, flying might be a very nerve-wracking experience. Hypothetically, of course.

At least I didn't fly on Oceanic Airlines...

Posted by Andrew Raff at June 19, 2005 09:31 PM
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This message is for Andrew Raff.
I am a writer for Pre Law Magazine and am researching a story about law students that used U.S and World Reports, which ranks law schools in tiers, in deciding on attendence.
If you would be interested in being interviewed for this article, please email me. I would like to set up a phone interview if possible. My email is nichole@cypressmagazines.com

Nichole Graham
Editorial Assistant
Pre Law Magazine
San Diego, CA

Posted by: Nichole Graham on June 23, 2005 05:54 PM
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