Transportation Bond Act

November 1, 2005

In addition to the various local offices up for election next week, including mayor, public advocate and city council, New Yorkers will vote on 4 ballot questions, including one funding a transportation bond (#2).

The Transportation Bond Act (Gotham Gazette. October, 2005) will authorize a $2.9 billion bond to fund various public transportation and highway projects throughout the state. The city public transportation funding includes

  • $450 million for the Second Avenue Subway
  • $450 million for the East Side Access project, connecting the Long Island Rail Road to Grand Central Terminal;
  • $100 million for the JFK rail line;
  • $115 million for purchase of new subway and commuter railroad cars;
  • $90 million for new buses; and
  • $161 million for track replacement and tunnel lighting.

The Gotham Gazette has a solid overview of ballot question as well as the various groups supporting and opposing the Transportation Bond Act, along with an op-ed in favor and another opposed to the bond.

Supporters of the bond act include Straphangers, Bloomberg, Ferrer, Pataki, Spitzer, Newsday and The New York Times.

For the other elections and ballot questions, The Gotham Gazette has a useful Guide for the Last Minute Voter.

Posted by Andrew Raff at November 1, 2005 10:30 PM
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