That’s anthropology!

Passport to the Pub: A British Guide to Pub Etiquette

Most anthropologists go off to remote parts of the world to live among exotic tribes, observe their behaviour and ask endless questions in order to understand and explain their strange customs. In 1992, the BLRA asked the experienced social scientists at SIRC to apply the same research techniques in the British pub. Some of SIRCᅰs findings were published in Pubwatching with Desmond Morris (1993) and its sequel Women in Pubs (1994). In 1995, for Passport to the Pub, the SIRC Research team ￐ led by Research Manager Joe McCann and Senior Researcher John Middleton ￐ embarked on yet another six-month anthropological pub-crawl. In total, the research on which this book is based has involved observation work in over 800 pubs, consultations with over 500 publicans and bar staff and interviews with over 1000 pubgoers ￐ both natives and tourists.

(via Kottke)

Andrew Raff @andrewraff