Expect Nothing, Get Less

Over the last few years, the personal blog as a medium has largely been supplanted by social media platforms. And as someone who is a reader more than a writer and struggles to put pen to paper, 280 characters is often enough to hold the entirety of my thoughts. And a Twitter thread works well enough for slightly longer thoughts.

However, I do want to do more structured medium-form writing and force myself to write here regularly. And while all of the kids and middle-aged ex-bloggers are starting newsletters on Substack, I worry that asking people to subscribe to yet another Substack is like asking your friends and co-workers to come to your bringer comedy show. So, I’m back to kicking it old-school, free-form.

For a blog that’s dipped below the one post per year threshold over the last few years, writing something weekly feels ambitious, but overdue.

Andrew Raff @andrewraff