photos: random digital camera photos at tufts
These are all photos that I've taken using my snazzy digital camera, which has prompted me to take a lot more pictures than I have before. Of course, I keep forgetting to bring the camera to things I want to photograph, so it doesn't do me much good in those situations. I've also learned from this, that I'm not a very good photographer, but I can take lots and lots of pictures to get better now, without spending lots of money on developing.

FYI, I use an Olympus D-450 Zoom camera, which was a gift from my wonderful parents. For lots of good digital camera info, check out Jeff Keller's Digital Camera Resource Page.

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Carmichael from a weird angle. I have no idea why I decided to take this picture from here.

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From the President's lawn, Tisch library and Boston

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Jumbo, Barnum hall and Ballou hall. Reminder to self: don't take pictures looking towards the sun...

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Snow fort on the academic quad.

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From the president's lawn, again.

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Goddard chapel.

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The view from my window at night. (yes, it's through the closed window and screen.)

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Funky vehicle plowing snow in front of Ballou

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Boston from the library roof

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Looking up the hill, at a weird angle

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I think this is a neat picture, even though it's of an empty bottle of water and a box of reeds on my desk.

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.

All photos are copyright 2000 by Andrew Raff